Almost 600 pages of Generals and Field Officers by rank and by regiment. As well as hundreds of foot regiments, officers are included for the New South Wales Corps, Rangers, Hussars, Fusiliers, West Indies Regiments, Irish Brigade, Artillery, Royal Engineers, Marine Forces and more. *Digitally enhanced images of the original text *Searchable text *Bookmarked by major headings *Fully printable... More Info
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Wesleyan Methodist 20th Century Fund 1898 -1904 Vol 18 Parts 1 & 2 Circuits: Pontypool;Abergavenny;Swansea(English);Gower;Neath'Merthyr Tydfil (English) ; Aberdare (English)
War memorials provide details of men and women lost in combat in the wars of the twentieth century. Many have been transcribed or photographed for web pages. There are so many war memorial web pages that two volumes are required to list them.
By Jeremy Gibson. The records of poor law unions of the 19th and early 20th centuries constitute a major, but under-used, source of genealogical data - partly because, prior to the publication of these books, it was difficult to know what was available. They set that right, and provide a detailed listing, county by county, of the extensive resources which may include information on your ancestors.
Newspapers contain a huge amount of information for genealogists. This volume lists the thousands of titles that are available in English and Welsh national and local libraries, and tells you where to find them.