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This school register provides a list of Provosts, Fellows, Masters, Cricket Elecans, Boat's Crews and Elections for Eton from 1791 to 1909. *Digitally enhanced images of the original text *Searchable by whole or part name *Bookmarked by major headings *Fully printable... More Info
Entrance lists for boys in Bradfield College from 1850 to 1908. Gives name, birth date, death date, entrance and leaving dates, address, and career information (where available). Also provides details about masters, matches, and competitions. * Digitally enhanced images of the original text * Searchable text * Bookmarked by major headings * Fully printable... More Info
This CD documents the achievements of Old Etonians who were living in 1933. Amongst the information you can find details on the individual's parents, spouse, and siblings, personal achievements, career, and address. * Digitally enhanced images of the original text * Searchable text * Bookmarked by major headings * Fully printable * Contains over 850 pages... More Info
This CD contains the Wellington College Registration list from January 1859 to December 1923. It also includes a list of the College Staff, a description of the House Badges and a list of the Prizemen. * Digitally enhanced images of the original text * Searchable text * Bookmarked by major headings * Fully printable... More Info
This CD contains entrance listings for students at the Bradfield College from 1850 to 1924. Gives name and entrance date, leaving date, birth date, education and career information and death date. Also includes a Roll of Honour, information on headmasters, prizemen, sports teams, etc. (Information available varies for each entry). *Digitally enhanced images of the original text *Searchable text *Bookmarked by major headings *Fully printable... More Info
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