St Peter's Radley College Registers, Oxford 1847-1923. A list of Admissions with notes, College Trustees, Wardens, Fellows, Assistants Masters, Army Agents, Scholars and Prizemen, Senior Prefects, Scholarships at Oxford and Cambridge, Distinctions, Cadetships, Athletic records and Social Competitions. *Digitally enhanced images of the original text *Searchable by whole or part name *Bookmarked by major headings * Fully printable... More Info
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A detailed plan of Aberystwyth town at the start of the 20th century. On the reverse is some history of Aberystwyth with a list of residents and traders.
A detailed plan of Lampeter town at the start of the 20th century. On the reverse is some history of Lampeter with a list of residents and traders.
Shhe 2.12. The town of Cardigan is in the top right corner and features here include the town centre, including High Street, Priory Street, part of Pendre, Cardigan Bridge, castle remains, Custom House, malthouses, Bridgend, Station Road (but actual station is just off the map). The map then extends westward to St Dogmells (or Dogmaels, or Llandudoch) in Pembrokeshire; features here include St Tho...More Info
To celebrate the Millennium, members of the Henbury Society, together with a number of local residents and under the leadership of Dr. Peter Wells, began to research the history of Henbury. Their work was completed and lead to the publication in 2003, under the editorship of Francis Graham-Smith, of the book, Henbury, a History of a Village. Due to the considerable amount of material that came to...More Info
In recent years members and friends of the Congleton Group of the Family History Society of Cheshire led by Sue Parker have transcribed all the Memorial Inscriptions at St Mary, Astbury. There are two churchyards at St Mary's, the Old which surrounds the church and the New to the west, on the other side of the A34 road. Each is divided up into different plots: OA, OB, OC and S surround the church...More Info