Register which includes names, locations and property of voters... More Info
Product Code: GRD418
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Do you realise that your ancestors may have taken out insurance cover on their property? And that records of that policy may still survive? The author of this book opens up exciting new possibilities for research by family and local historians, listing the extensive surviving records, and providing hundreds of examples of the sort of information that may be available.
This book provides the reader with the key to unlock the huge store of information locked up in heraldic art. Churches, castles, houses, documents, mnuments, staned glass - all contain a great mass of heraldic information, which, if you understand the language, conventions, and traditions of hearldry can be very illuminating. Stephen Friar undertakes to guide the novice through heraldic usage. Thi...More Info
Most family historians tend to research their paternal ancestors first. Why? There is just as much to be learnt by researching female ancestors. This book is a mine of information and ideas for everyone researching their family tree, and for thos who would just like to know more about the lives of their femal ancestors.
The history and development of English houses is outlined in this book, which covers the changing styles of architecture, and the varying materials used in building. The authors offer a step by step guide to accurately dating houses, describing walls and roofs, windows and doors, floors and fierplaces, staircases and chimneys. They include many illustrations. The emphasis is on the material remain...More Info
Most of us have ancestors who served in the army. This book offers a comprehensive introduction to researching them. It covers not just the extensive records held at the National Archives, but also information held by a wide range of other record offices and libraries. Published by Pen & Sword Books, 2006.