As well as over 200 pages of registers, this CD includes records of the Churchwardens (1673-1707 and extracts to 1842), Overseers and their Accounts (extracts 1705-1836), Indentures (1675-1838), Vestry Book (1837-1885), and Constables (1818-1839). There is an article on the founder of the Church and Guild, Walter Cook, while further chapters cover a Record of a Manor Court at Knowle in 1278, a Certificate of Consecration of the Church, two medieval wills, a 1616 inventory, a roll of Knowle inhab More Info
Product Code: GRD5945
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New poor law 1834+; workhouses, new settlement rules, migration & emigration, job opportunities for various groups; charity soup etc, social surveys; old age pensions, health insurance: 1830s-1930s
Use and Interpretation, background, details asked, variations and online copies, local copies, Mormon Family History Centres
Obsolete or unusual words and phrases in wills, inventories, deeds, documents and their meanings, with spelling variants and change over the centuries
Probate jurisdictions, locating wills. Technical terms & phrases. Intestacy, Inventories. Glossary. Basic locations by county. Death duty registers. PCC wills
This difficult period of after 1901. Hints for those who were adopted and seeking birth parents with little or no family information. Finding about background without access to censuses etc. Useful WW1 sources