As well as over 200 pages of registers, this CD includes records of the Churchwardens (1673-1707 and extracts to 1842), Overseers and their Accounts (extracts 1705-1836), Indentures (1675-1838), Vestry Book (1837-1885), and Constables (1818-1839). There is an article on the founder of the Church and Guild, Walter Cook, while further chapters cover a Record of a Manor Court at Knowle in 1278, a Certificate of Consecration of the Church, two medieval wills, a 1616 inventory, a roll of Knowle inhab More Info
Product Code: GRD5945
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Our first set of memories are of growing up in the Kingston Crescent Area in the 1940s and come from an overseas contributor now living in New South Wales, Australia
The latest in our series of booklets takes us off of the island and covers the area on the mainland known as Cosham. In general this booklet only covers the High Street and the streets across to Northern Road. A second booklet will cover the remainder